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Middle-Earth National Parks 6 Patch Collection

Middle-Earth National Parks 6 Patch Collection

Regular price $29.95
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Introducing our "Middle-Earth National Parks" Patch Collection, it includes 6 individual patche: The Shire, Mordor, Rivendell, Erebor, Helm's Deep, and Rohan
Each is 2.5" in diameter, embroidered around the outside of a woven design and heat glue on the back that can be used to apply your patches onto any fabric, or you can sew them on for extra durability.

A whimsical tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien's legendary realms, now in patch form!
This set of six patches promises to turn your ordinary backpack or jacket into a passport to the fantastical.

This set of patches is more than just fabric and thread; it's a wink and a nod to the rich tapestry of Tolkien's Middle-Earth. Each patch is crafted with love, humor, and a touch of hobbit mischief, making it the perfect adornment for any adventurer bound for the wilds of fantasy!

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"So cool the park ranger at my local State Park wanted to know where I got it."

- Katie, Squatchy hat owner